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Steve Buckley

Steve Buckley General Manager, Applied Systems - Business Unit

If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. We love to take on measurement challenges and strive to make the complex into ‘easy’ for our customers.

I joined Ocean Insight believing that there would be no better place to innovate in photonics than at such an iconic company. That has been 100% true. Our team engagement around smart photonics solutions and solving customer problems continues to astound and delight me.

Ocean is a place full of committed technologists, scientists, and professionals who absolutely love new challenges. This next decade will see optical sensing become completely mainstream in manufacturing and process control, as common as it is in research labs today. I’ll be proud to be part of the Ocean team that is leading us into that future!

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Using ASK (Applied Spectral Knowledge) we want to enable YOU to do things, make measurements that seemed initially impossible.