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Ty Olmstead Vice President of Engineering and Product Management

I love working with people to solve their problems. The favorite part of my experience as a student was collaboration opportunities among students and faculty. Not much has changed since then.

The role that I’m in currently is very client-focused. This is a good thing. I love working with people to solve their problems. The favorite part of my college experience [at the University of Central Florida] was collaboration opportunities among students and faculty. Not much has changed since then.

Ocean Insight is all about ASK (Applied Spectral Knowledge) and sensing solutions for a healthier, safer, and cleaner world. We look to create solutions to problems from a range of fields, anywhere from the biomedical to environmental.

It is fun to work with spectroscopy because there are many different applications it can be used for. It is a highly effective tool that is safe to use. Most importantly, it has the ability to solve problems and change outcomes that in turn change the lives of others. That's really important to me.

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Using ASK (Applied Spectral Knowledge) we want to enable YOU to do things, make measurements that seemed initially impossible.