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Ocean Optics, Inc. SPAM
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generatePlanckianLocus() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CorrelatedColorTemperature
get_a() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.HunterLab
Returns the a-value of the Hunter Lab color space.
get_aStar() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CIELAB
Getter for aStar, the color value on a red-green axis.
get_b() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.HunterLab
Returns the b-value of the Hunter Lab color space.
get_bStar() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CIELAB
Getter for bStar, the color value on a blue-yellow axis.
get_L() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.HunterLab
Returns the L value of the Hunter Lab color space.
get_u() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CIE1960uv
Chromaticity coordinate u. u is related to u' of the CIE 1976 UCS diagram by the equation u = u'.
get_uPrime() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.uvwPrime
Returns u' from the CIE 1976 UCS diagram.
get_v() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CIE1960uv
Chromaticity coordinate v. v is related to v' of the CIE 1976 UCS diagram by the equation v = 2v'/3.
get_vPrime() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.uvwPrime
Returns v' from the CIE 1976 UCS diagram.
get_wPrime() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.uvwPrime
Returns w' from the CIE 1976 UCS diagram. w' is computed as: w' = 1 - u' - v'.
get_x() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.xyz_Color
Getter for the x chromaticity coordiante.
get_y() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.xyz_Color
Getter for the y chromaticity coordiante.
get_z() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.xyz_Color
Getter for the z chromaticity coordiante.
getAllColorSpaceDescriptors() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.ColorSpaceDescriptor
Returns an array of descriptors for all of the available color spaces.
getAllPeaks(double[], double[], int, double) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.SpectrumPeak
Locates all of the peaks in the given spectrum and returns an array of their indices.
getAllPeaks_VB6(int, double) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.SpectrumPeak
getArray() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.Matrix
Returns this Matrix as a 2-D array of doubles.
getAvagadrosNumber() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.PhysicalConstants
Avagadro's number is the number of atoms in a mole
getBoltzmannsConstant() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.PhysicalConstants
k is Boltzmann's constant.
getCenterWavelength() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.SpectrumPeak
Getter for property centerWavelength, which is the center wavelength of the peak as the average wavelength of the low and high 50% crossings.
getCentroid() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.SpectrumPeak
Returns the centroid of the peak, which is the point of intersection of its medians.
getChroma() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CIELAB
Getter for chroma, the intensity or saturation level of a particular hue, defined as the of departure of a chromatic color from the neutral (gray) color with the same value.
getCIEIlluminantByIndex(int) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEConstants
getCIEObserverByIndex(int) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEConstants
getCIETint() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CIEWhitenessTint
Get the computed value of the CIE Tint measurement for the color.
getCIEWhiteness() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CIEWhitenessTint
Get the computed value of the CIE Whiteness measurement for the color.
getClosestBeginningEndpoint(double, double[]) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.spectralmath.SpectraSplicer
getColorDelta() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.ColorRenderingIndex
Returns the computed color difference between the test illuminant (k ) and the reference illuminant (r).
getColorDifference(XYZColor) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Computes the color difference between two XYZColor objects.
getColorDifference(XYZColor) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.XYZColor
Computes the color difference between two XYZColor objects.
getColorSpaceClass() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.ColorSpaceValue
Returns the class of the color space.
getColorSpaceValues() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CIE1960uv
Returns an array of ColorSpaceValue objects, each of which can be displayed in a widget (e.g.
getColorSpaceValues() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CIELAB
Returns an array of ColorSpaceValue objects, each of which can be displayed in a widget (e.g.
getColorSpaceValues() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CIEWhitenessTint
Returns an array of ColorSpaceValue objects, each of which can be displayed in a widget (e.g.
getColorSpaceValues() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.ColorRenderingIndex
Returns an array of ColorSpaceValue objects, each of which can be displayed in a widget (e.g.
getColorSpaceValues() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.ColorSpaceDescriptor
Returns an array of ColorSpaceValue objects, each of which can be displayed in a widget (e.g.
getColorSpaceValues() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CorrelatedColorTemperature
Returns an array of ColorSpaceValue objects, each of which can be displayed in a widget (e.g.
getColorSpaceValues() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.DominantWavelengthPurity
Returns an array of ColorSpaceValue objects, each of which can be displayed in a widget (e.g.
getColorSpaceValues() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.HunterLab
Returns an array of ColorSpaceValue objects, each of which can be displayed in a widget (e.g.
getColorSpaceValues() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.uvwPrime
Returns an array of ColorSpaceValue objects, each of which can be displayed in a widget (e.g.
getColorSpaceValues() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.xyYColor
Returns an array of ColorSpaceValue objects, each of which can be displayed in a widget (e.g.
getColorSpaceValues() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.xyz_Color
Returns an array of ColorSpaceValue objects, each of which can be displayed in a widget (e.g.
getColorSpaceValues() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.XYZColor
Returns an array of ColorSpaceValue objects, each of which can be displayed in a widget (e.g.
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.Matrix
Returns the number of columns in this Matrix.
getCorrelatedColorTemperature() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CorrelatedColorTemperature
Returns the correlated color temperature of an instantiated object
getCreationDate() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEObserver
Gets the date this Illuminant was created.
getCreationDate() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.Illuminant
Gets the date this Illuminant was created.
getCreator() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEObserver
Gets the user name of the creator of this Illuminant.
getCreator() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.Illuminant
Gets the user name of the creator of this Illuminant.
getDaylightSPDFactors() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEConstants
Returns the daylight the spectral power distribution (SPD) factors necessary to generate a spectrum representing daylight at a particular color.
getDerivativeOrder() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.TimeDerivativeModel
Returns the order of the derivative, e.g. 2 for a second derivative.
getDeterminant() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.LUDecomposition
Returns the determinant value of a invertible, non-singular, non-square, matrix.
getDeterminant() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.Matrix
Returns determinant of this Matrix by calling getDeterminant on getLUDecomposition from LUDecomposition.
getDisplayColor(int) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Converts this CIEColor to a Java Color that can be displayed.
getDominantWavelength() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.DominantWavelengthPurity
Returns the dominant wavelength.
getDuplicate() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.Matrix
Returns a duplicate, seperate object, copy of this Matrix.
getElement(int, int) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.Matrix
Returns a single element in this Matrix.
getEnclosingWidth() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.SpectrumPeak
Returns the distance from the peak wavelength over which 90% of the area under the peak is included.
getEnergySpectrum() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Returns an the power of the light at each wavelength in the spectrum.
getFileName() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.iostreams.OOISignature
Returns the file name that this signature is to be associated to.
getGeneralCRI() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.ColorRenderingIndex
Returns the General Color Rendering Index (CRI).
getHash() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.iostreams.OOISignature
Returns the hash value to be used to sign the file.
getHighWavelengthXYChromaticity() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEObserver
Returns the highest wavelength at the chromaticity diagram boundary.
getHue() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CIELAB
Getter for hue, the value of color by means of which a color is perceived to be red, yellow, green, blue, purple, etc.
getHue() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.uvwPrime
Returns the CIE 1976 u,v hue-angle.
getIdentityMatrix(int, int) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.Matrix
Generates an m-by-n identity matrix with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.
getIlluminant() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Returns the the CIE Illuminant.
getIlluminant(String) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEConstants
Returns the CIEIlluminant spectral output data is used in the process of calculating the color of illuminated objects.
getIlluminantByIndex(int) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEConstants
This method is for the benefit of the old COM interface, which couldn't cast objects.
getIlluminantByName(String) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEConstants
This method exists only because the old COM interface (for WrapperProducts users) could not cast.
getIlluminants() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEConstants
Returns all of the CIE Illuminant spectral output data that are loaded to calculate the color of illuminated objects.
getIntegral() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.SpectrumPeak
Returns the value of the integral function.
getIntegrationMode() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.IntegrationMethod
Returns the current integration mode.
getInterpolatedCorrectionFactors(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.preprocessing.PreNonUnityCorrection
Returns the interpolated correction factors for a spectrum by performing a cubic spline on the standard white wavelength, the white source wavelengths, and the correction factors..
getIntersection() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.DominantWavelengthPurity
Returns the point in (x, y) of the dominant or complementary wavelength.
getInverse() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.Matrix
Returns the inverse of this Matrix if this Matrix is not singular.
getJoulesPerElectronVolt() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.PhysicalConstants
Electron volts are a measure of energy, as are Joules.
getKm() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEObserver
Method to retreive the maximum luminous efficacy K_m of an observer.
getL() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.LUDecomposition
Returns the lower triangular matrix that is created by storing a representative of each elementary row operation.
getLastException() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.api.SpectralMath
getLittleX() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Chromaticity coordinate x of the spectral stimuli.
getLittleX() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.XYZColor
Chromaticity coordinate x of the spectral stimuli.
getLittleY() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Chromaticity coordinate y of the spectral stimuli.
getLittleY() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.XYZColor
Chromaticity coordinate y of the spectral stimuli.
getLittleZ() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Chromaticity coordinate z of the spectral stimuli.
getLittleZ() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.XYZColor
Chromaticity coordinate z of the spectral stimuli.
getLongDescription() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEObserver
Gets the full name for the observer.
getLongDescription() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.Illuminant
Gets the full name for the illuminant (such as Tungsten at 2856K, Noon Sky Daylight, etc.)
getLowWavelengthXYChromaticity() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEObserver
Returns the lowest wavelength at the chromaticity diagram boundary.
getLStar() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.CIELAB
Getter for LStar, the value that represents luminance or lightness.
getLUDecomposition() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.Matrix
Returns an LU Decomposition object of this Matrix.
getMagnitude() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.ComplexNumber
getNextPeakIndex(double[], int, int, double) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Finds the index of the next peak where the index is larger than the given starting index.
getNextPeakIndex(int, int, double) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Call setBufferElements() to set the values in spectrumBuffer before calling this method!
getNextPeakWavelength(double[], double[], double, int, double) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Finds the wavelength of the next peak where the wavelength is larger than the given starting wavelength.
getNextPeakWavelength(double, int, double) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Call setBufferElements() to set the values in spectrumBuffer and wavelengthBuffer before calling this method!
getNumberOfConstants() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.iostreams.CIEConstantFileReader
Returns the number of fields or constants in the file.
getNumberOfIlluminants() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEConstants
getNumberOfObservers() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEConstants
getObserver() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Returns the the CIE Observer.
getObserver(String) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEConstants
Returns the the CIEObserver which contains spectral response characteristics of the average observer defined by the CIE.
getObservers() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEConstants
Returns an array of the the CIEObservers loaded.
getPeakIndexClosestToIndex(double[], int, int, double) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Finds the index (array subscript) of the peak that is closest to the given starting index.
getPeakIndexClosestToIndex(int, int, double) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Call setBufferElements() to set the values in spectrumBuffer before calling this method!
getPeakIndexClosestToWavelength(double[], double[], double, int, double) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Finds the index (array subscript) of the peak that is closest to the given target wavelength.
getPeakIndexClosestToWavelength(double, int, double) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Call setBufferElements() to set the values in spectrumBuffer and wavelengthBuffer before calling this method!
getPeakIndices(double[], int, double) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Locates the peaks in the given spectrum and returns an array of their indices.
getPeakIndices(int, double) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Call setBufferElements() to set the values in spectrumBuffer before calling this method!
getPeakWavelengthClosestToWavelength(double[], double[], double, int, double) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Finds the wavelength of the peak that is closest to the given target wavelength.
getPeakWavelengthClosestToWavelength(double, int, double) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Call setBufferElements() to set the values in spectrumBuffer and wavelengthBuffer before calling this method!
getPeakWavelengths(double[], double[], int, double) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Finds the wavelengths at which peaks occur in the given spectrum.
getPeakWavelengths(int, double) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Call setBufferElements() to set the values in spectrumBuffer and wavelengthBuffer before calling this method!
getPeakXValue() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.SpectrumPeak
Returns the x value (wavelength) in the current units (usually nm) of the peak value.
getPhase() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.ComplexNumber
getPivot() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.LUDecomposition
Returns the pivot element of the matrix.
getPixelFullWidthAtHalfMaximum() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.SpectrumPeak
Returns the pixel value for full width at half maximum.
getPixelFullWidthAtQuarterMaximum() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.SpectrumPeak
Returns the pixel value for full width at quarter maximum.
getPixelNumber() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.SpectrumPeak
Returns the pixel number of the peak.
getPlancksConstant() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.PhysicalConstants
h is Plank's constant (NIST).
getPreviousPeakIndex(double[], int, int, double) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Finds the index of a peak where the index is the closest to, but smaller than, the given starting index.
getPreviousPeakIndex(int, int, double) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Call setBufferElements() to set the values in spectrumBuffer before calling this method!
getPreviousPeakWavelength(double[], double[], double, int, double) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Finds the wavelength of a peak where the wavelength is the closest to, but smaller than, the given starting wavelength.
getPreviousPeakWavelength(double, int, double) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.AdvancedPeakFinding
Call setBufferElements() to set the values in spectrumBuffer and wavelengthBuffer before calling this method!
getPurity() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.DominantWavelengthPurity
Returns the excitation purity.
getRanges(double[][]) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.spectralmath.SpectraSplicer
getReference() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEIlluminant
Returns the citation for the source of these constants (e.g.
getReference() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEObserver
Returns the citation for the source of these values.
getReferenceColorTemperature() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.ColorRenderingIndex
This provides the correlated color temperature of the reference illuminant that was used to calculate the CRI.
getRowCount() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.Matrix
Returns the number of rows in this Matrix.
getS0Factors() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEDaylightSPDFactors
Returns S0(λ) for relative spectral power distribution of CIE daylight illuminants.
getS1Factors() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEDaylightSPDFactors
Returns S1(λ) for relative spectral power distribution of CIE daylight illuminants.
getS2Factors() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEDaylightSPDFactors
Returns S2(λ) for relative spectral power distribution of CIE daylight illuminants.
getSampleNumber() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIETestColorSample
Returns the sample number of the test color sample.
getSaturation() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.uvwPrime
Returns the CIE 1976 u,v saturation.
getShortDescription() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEObserver
Gets the Canonical name for this observer (2-degree, 10-degree).
getShortDescription() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.Illuminant
Gets the short description for the illuminant (such as A, B, D50, F6, etc).
getSpecialCRI(int) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.ColorRenderingIndex
Returns the Special Color Rendering Index of the given CIE Test Color Sample.
getSpeedOfLight() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.PhysicalConstants
c is the speed of light (299792458 m/s) (NIST).
getSubMatrix(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.Matrix
Returns the submatrix formed by selecting the given rows and columns of this Matrix.
getSubMatrixByRows(int[], int, int) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.Matrix
Returns the submatrix formed by selecting the given rows and columns of this Matrix.
getTestColorSample(int) - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEConstants
Returns the test color sample with the given CIE index (1-14), or null if the index was not found.
getTestColorSamples() - Static method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEConstants
Returns all of the test color samples.
getTranspose() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.Matrix
Returns the transpose of a matrix.
getU() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.numericalmethods.LUDecomposition
Returns the upper triangular matrix that resulted from reducing the original matrix into row echelon form by way of elementary row operations(excluding row interchange).
getV() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEObserver
Method to retrieve the spectral luminous efficiency V of the observer.
getValue(int) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.arraymath.DoubleList
Gets the primitive value of the double at location i.
getValue(int) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.arraymath.IntegerList
Gets the primitive value of the int at location i.
getValueFrom(ColorSpaceDescriptor) - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.ColorSpaceValue
This method is used to invoke the method used to construct this object.
getValues() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIETestColorSample
Returns the calculated reflection spectrum of the test color sample under the a given spectrum (the user energy spectrum, or an idealized spectrum).
getValues() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.Illuminant
Gets the illuminant values for each wavelength.
getWavelengthFullWidthAtHalfMaximum() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.SpectrumPeak
Returns the wavelength value for full width at half maximum.
getWavelengthFullWidthAtQuarterMaximum() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.SpectrumPeak
Returns the wavelength value for quarter width at quarter maximum.
getWavelengths() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Returns the range of wavelengths in nm of the spectrum.
getWavelengths() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEDaylightSPDFactors
Returns the set of wavelengths corresponding to S0, S1, and S2.
getWavelengths() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEObserver
Method to retrieve the set of wavelengths for the observer.
getWavelengths() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIETestColorSample
Returns the wavelengths for which the standard's reflection spectrum is measured.
getWavelengths() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.Illuminant
Gets the wavelengths over which the illuminant is defined.
getX() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Getter for the tristimulus value of X.
getX() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.XYZColor
Getter for the tristimulus value of X.
getXBar() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEObserver
Method to retrieve the x-bar response curve (which relates approximately to our perception of red)
getXReference() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Returns the X-reference stimuli required to match each wavelength of the equi-energy spectrum.
getY() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Getter for the tristimulus value of Y.
getY() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.XYZColor
Getter for the tristimulus value of Y.
getYBar() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEObserver
Method to retrieve the y-bar response curve (which relates approximately to our perception of green)
getYReference() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Returns the Y-reference stimuli required to match each wavelength of the equi-energy spectrum.
getZ() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Getter for the tristimulus value of Z.
getZ() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.colorspaces.XYZColor
Getter for the tristimulus value of Z.
getZBar() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.constants.CIEObserver
Method to retrieve the z-bar response curve (which relates approximately to our perception of blue)
getZReference() - Method in class com.oceanoptics.spam.advancedprocessing.CIEColor
Returns the Z-reference stimuli required to match each wavelength of the equi-energy spectrum.
Gigahertz - Class in com.oceanoptics.spam.wavelengthprocessing
This class converts wavelengths (nm) into Gigahertz (GHz).
Gigahertz() - Constructor for class com.oceanoptics.spam.wavelengthprocessing.Gigahertz
A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z 
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